Front Page Stories

Front Page Stories

February 11, 2024

Weekly bulletins are distributed every Sunday at the Divine Liturgy.  They contain Sunday scripture readings, commemorate birthdays and anniversaries, communicate parish announcements, and highlight divine services in the coming week. You can also download the latest bulletin in PDF format here.

February 4, 2024

Weekly bulletins are distributed every Sunday at the Divine Liturgy.  They contain Sunday scripture readings, commemorate birthdays and anniversaries, communicate parish announcements, and highlight divine services in the coming week. You can also download the latest bulletin in PDF format here.

January 28, 2024

Weekly bulletins are distributed every Sunday at the Divine Liturgy.  They contain Sunday scripture readings, commemorate birthdays and anniversaries, communicate parish announcements, and highlight divine services in the coming week. You can also download the latest bulletin in PDF format here.

Let Us Celebrate, O People!

Let us celebrate, O people! Let us go up in spirit! Let us raise our minds on high! These are not simply exclamations of enthusiastic piety and emotional devotion for the few strange people who like that sort of thing. They are exhortations and commands which are essential to the spiritual life of all human beings who must hear and obey as if their life depended upon it. Because, in a real sense, it does…

2023 Advent Retreat

This day long retreat will include a series of reflections and conversations intended to stiulate our faith and life in this annual season of renewal. December 3. Join us!

Annual Parish Picnic at Golden Gate Park

On Sunday, September 17, we gathered at Golden Gate Park for our annual parish picnic! The word that kept coming to mind was “perfect” – perfect weather, food, organization, and especially, wonderful people! Thanks be to God who nourishes and blesses us. Photos courtesy of David, Keti, and other parishioners.

Pentecost 2023 Photographs

“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” (Acts 2:1). On Saturday evening, June 3, and the morning of Sunday, June 4, the Cathedral of the Diocese of the West celebrated the great saving day of Pentecost: the feast of the Holy Trinity and its patronal feast. His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West presided at the divine services. Festal Vigil was served on Saturday night with…

Children’s Egg Hunt

Christ is risen! Photographs from our annual children’s Easter Egg Hunt. Here are some photos to re-live that joy!

Thomas Sunday Baptism

Photographs from the baptism of our brother and catechumen George. Christ is risen!

Looking Ahead to Holy Week & Pascha

Looking Ahead to Holy Week & Pascha April 8 – 16, 2023 On Lazarus Saturday (April 8), we enter into the special and sacred time of Holy Week and Pascha. Each and every one of us is called to truly “lay aside all earthly cares,” i.e., all activities and concerns that distract from the great mystery which is happening for us and to us. It must be an experience that transcends the fulfilling of an annual religious obligation or custom.…